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Support Vector Machines: A Simple Tutorial |
by Alexey Nefedov |
This tutorial on support vector machines (SVM) provides a simple introduction to the method, easily accessible to anyone who has basic background in mathematics. It grew from a collection of notes and slides that I had been using since 2009 to present SVM to various groups in academia and industry. From repeated discussions with colleagues and students who were using SVM in various real-life applications, I got a feeling that despite a wealth of introductory texts about SVM, many people (especially those without strong background in mathematics) found it difficult to understand some important details of the method. My attempts to clarify those details eventually developed into this tutorial, where I tried to provide insights into the key aspects of the method, and give extended explanation of the math that lies in its foundation. |
Open SVM Tutorial (PDF, 656 KB) |
About the author |
Alexey Nefedov, Ph.D., currently works in American Express, where he uses his expertise in machine learning and data analysis to support credit and fraud management operations. Before joining American Express in 2017, he worked in various industrial and academic institutions, including Merck, University of Pennsylvania, DIMACS, and Samsung Research Center. Over the last ten years, he used SVM in image recognition applications, veterinary epidemiology, mass spectrometry, and biomarker development. |
Alexey’s LinkedIn profile |